Sunday, August 8, 2010

Magyk (Book One) - By Angie Sage

Magyyk is a cute book which is aimed between the ages of 12 to 15 years but who say you have to stop being a child at a child at 32; well probably many but it don't hurt to escape as a child even if it is for a hours. Its a fantasy wizardry world based on the stories from the perceptive of the heap family. Silas Heaps find a girl in the snow whilst making way home; Silas and his wife Sarah are then told by the ExtraOrdinary Wizard Marcia to raise her in secret about where she came to be. But things take a twist when they return to find there own child Septimus has been announced dead.

Several yeas after Marcia the ExtraOrdinary Wizard returns an reveals Jenna to be a princess who's mother was killed when Jenna was found in the snow. And furthermore that she is no longer safe and that dark Wizard DomDaniel are currently on their way to stole the child away. And so the adventures begin and more mysterious begin to unfold in book one Magyk.

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