Sunday, September 5, 2010

Elf Child By David Pierce

Russ, a twenty-something-looking gay man, is a changeling...a shape-shifter who will never age, and who, perhaps, will never die. Living a carefree beach life in San Diego, he uses his uncanny abilities to feed his desire for men of all shapes and sizes - but something important is missing...This suspenseful novel unfolds as Russ realizes that his obsession with image has become empty and that what he really needs is a relationship with another man that will encompass more than the satisfaction of his sexual needs. Eric, who has been enjoying all that San Diego has to offer a single young gay man, is also looking for something more. Falling in love with one of Russ's many sexy incarnations, he is blissfully unaware of the supernatural direction his life story is about to take. Still, he can't help thinking that there is something odd, something too good to be true about his new lover...
A fantasy story, along with something rare in contemporary gay fiction - originality.... An entertaining light read with some unusually serious things to say about gay life.
For anyone that enjoys fantasy I would defiantly give this novel a go, especially those into vampire stories this book may just open up your bubble.

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