Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rubyfruit Jungle By Rita Mae Brown

So why did I originally chose this book. Well if anyone has had the pleasure to be introduced to Educating Rita the main character mention reading a book called Rubyfruit Jungle By Rita Mae Brown in an English accent just made me laugh; which followed a look by my friends who’d question if I’d read it. A disappointed face when I raised my shoulder indicating “It’s a book?” . So with the movie and a very good friend of mine convinced me to read. Or at least buy and and pick it up later. So two years later. Done! It was great.

The novel was taken from the perceptive of Molly Bolt, the adopted daughter of a poor family. Her relationship with her mother is rocky, and at a young age her mother, tells Molly that she is ‘bastard’ and that she is not her biological child but adopted. In grade 6 Molly has her first same-sex sexual relationship and her second sexual experience in a Florida high school with Carolyn Simpson, the school lead cheerleader, who willingly has sex with Molly but refuses the name "lesbian."

Molly also engages in sex with males, including her cousin Leroy when the two were younger. Her father, Carl, dies when she is in her junior year of high school. In a combination of her strong-willed nature and disdain for Carrie, Molly pushes herself to excel in high school, winning a full scholarship to the University of Florida. Unlike Carrie, Carl has always supported Molly's goals and education.

When Molly's homosexual relationship with her alcoholic roommate is discovered, she is denied a renewal of her scholarship. Possessing little money, she moves to New York to pursue an education in filmmaking. Upon reaching New York, she realizes that the rubyfruit is maybe not as delicious and varied as she had dreamed within the concrete jungle.

Rubyfruit Jungle is a gay cult story that needs to be devoured. It’s a reminder of how the world can seem filled of possibilities.

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