Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Gay Body By Mark Thompson

The Californian Mark Thompson is a journalist from the 70’s that writes about his spiritual journey as a gay individual in a gay world as he see’s it. He illustrates a deep insights into the evolving gay rights, gay social attitudes and the attitudes within the general public local and at world large. His perceptions I warn can be dark but in the end offers hope I dually warn you may even read a little of yourself within the pages. Mark describes the gay males spirt with with Greek Myths and modern stories such as The Wizard of Oz and more.

When reading “Gay Body” you’ll soon learn that it has nothing to with vanity in terms of fitness, although he does speaks of the vanity in terms of the mind. I’ll admit I completely missed Marks point why he titled the book “Gay Body”. But conceptualizing the title I could only assumes that souls can not always choice there body and experiences but we can choice how to interpret and react to those experiences.

“...We put on our seven-league boots and take great strides, barely touching earth. Or we never make contact at all, keeping airborne and aloof. To stay in the clouds is to run with the sprits of imagination, wonder, and wit. Who would want such companionship to end?”

Mark’s childhood was surrounded with issues’ that like many do in society; the miserable parents in a marriage and lack of support and love received from them. His brother becomes his comfort and childish love play. Which re-ballets the nature vs. nurture argument of sexuality. Mark’s story does not intend to dame ones hope into believing that there is no light at the end of the tunnel but instead his wisdom may offer a reinvention into life possibility for self improvements and may even consider being compassion to your brothers in the most pure sense.

It could be stated that Mark’s story is coming from the perceptive of a scene queen who’d lived out his life parading around beats, night clubs and the artistry groupies if you’re like me you still can’t help feeling a deep sense of sympathy and admiration for the guy for really putting his heart and spiritual self on his pages; something never really seen anymore.

Mark’s writings lays out his own experiences and allow the reader to makes their own morals judgement rather a book that tells you how it is or should. This book is a huge emotional challenge and a book that makes you think not the type of a book I’d recommend for escapism. It questions your moral judgements.

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